Bristol Meeting (October, 2019)
October 10 - 11, 2019
Second meeting in Bristol.
Day 1:
- Prof. Thalia Eley, King’s College London
- “Gene-environment interaction in anxiety and depression research”
- Prof. Hans van Kippersluis, Erasmus School of Economics
- “Beyond Barker: The role of gene-environment interactions”
- Samuel Baker, University of Bristol
- “Creating early life statistics for use in the UK Biobank”
- Dr. Abdel Abdellaoui, Amsterdam Medical Center
- “Genetic correlates of social stratification in Great Britain”
- Dr. Neil Davies, University of Bristol
- “Within family methods for Mendelian randomisation”
- Dilnoza Muslimova, Erasmus School of Economics
- “Genes, birth rank, and later life outcomes”
- Flash talks
- Sjoerd van Alten (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam),
- Rita Dias Pereira (Erasmus School of Economics),
- Eric Slob (Erasmus School of Economics),
- Dr. Andries Marees (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Day 2:
- Presentation of preliminary reseach ideas by Niels, Dilnoza, Pietro, Rita, Fleur, and Hans
- Brainstorm
- Wrap-up and list of to-do
List of attendants
- Abdel Abdellaoui (Amsterdam Medical Center, Professor)
- Thalia Eley (King’s College London, Professor)
- Neil Davies (University of Bristol, Senior Research Fellow)
- Adele Wang (Bristol, Postdoctoral researcher)
- Dilnoza Muslimova (Rotterdam, PhD student)
- Eric Slob (Rotterdam, PhD student)
- Fleur Meddens (Rotterdam, Postdoctoral researcher)
- Frank Windmeijer (Bristol, Professor)
- Hans van Kippersluis (Rotterdam, Associate professor)
- Niels Rietveld (Rotterdam, Associate professor)
- Pietro Biroli (Zurich, Assistant professor)
- Rita Pereira (Rotterdam, PhD student)
- Samuel Baker (Bristol, PhD student)
- Stephanie von Hinke (Bristol, Associate professor)
- Teresa Bago d’Uva (Rotterdam, Associate professor)
- Jeremy Vollen (Zurich, Research Assistant)
- Titus Galama (University of Southern California CESR, Senior Economist)
- Sjoerd van Alten (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, PhD student)
- Andries Marees (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Post doc)